Ask Yourself
- Am I using all my allowances.
- Why do my Cash ISA’s grow so slowly.
- So, if inflation is 2.5% and my savings make 0.1% in the bank, what’s the point of saving.
- Can I afford to put a little aside from each month’s pay.
- Can I invest some savings without worrying about the risk.
- If I had saved £100 per month from age 18, how much would I have now.
- Is that great investment I made 5 years ago, just as great this year
- Are my investments still in the right funds
- Why didn’t I start saving years ago.
Savers make different investment choices because choosing how to invest for the best outcome isn’t easy.
For some leaving cash to build in a bank account appears less risky. However, it isn’t ‘riskless’ and this choice hasn’t been sensible for a long time now. Inflation has continued to gnaw away at spending power. Look at the value today (2018) of £10,000, 10 years ago. The current value is £7629. This is because inflation, averaging 2.7% per annum over this period is reducing spending capacity. In this example £2,371 has been lost to inflation. Source. Bank of England inflation calculator.
For long term saving a better outcome is needed. We need to choose differently and reframe our thinking. You can even start from £50, adding £1 at a time through your own Personal Client Site. You can do this using your personal ISA allowance of £20,000 per person each tax year.
Accounts available
Investment Bonds
General Investment Accounts
Unit Trusts
Junior ISA
Personal Pension
Simplicity is Paramount
We are independent and work for the client, not any bank or investment company. We believe investing should be simple, the cost transparent and expectation achievable.
No one can accurately and consistently predict the market. There will always be winners and losers. The key to minimising risk and maximising returns is investing in a variety of assets.
Our True Potential Wealth Strategy Funds are complete single-manager investment solutions, with exposure to different asset classes, industry sectors and geographic regions. Each fund is managed by True Potential Investments and sub-managed by one of our world-class investment partners.
The True Potential Portfolios add a further layer of diversification by blending together different investment managers and styles from our Wealth Strategy Fund Range in one simple solution. This gives you additional opportunities for reaching your goals over the long-term, whilst limiting the effects of market volatility.
We can offer Risk Managed Portfolios through the True Potential Platform or Independent Access to the Whole of the Market.
The place to invest last year isn’t the best place to this year and regular reviews keep you best placed to benefit from the inevitable changes in the world and your own personal needs.
You can keep track of your investments through your Personal Client Site.
Within your client site you can:
- View Your Portfolio Details
- View the policies and plans we hold for you
- Get a valuation of your portfolio
- Analyse each plan for performance, asset allocation and attitude to risk
- Track your Performance
- Manage your Finances
- Manage your Documents
- Top Up you Investments or Pension
You can use impulseSave® to top up your existing Stocks & Shares ISA, TPI Pension and General Investment Account at the touch of a button, with as little as £1, wherever and whenever you want.
You can access your client site online at any time. The design means your site works on any size screen you like to use, from your home computer to a Smart TV.
You can also get the benefits of your client site via our native apps for tablets and smartphones
impulseSave® is a registered trademarks of True Potential Investments LLP
Your capital is at risk. Investments can fluctuate in value and you may not get back the amount you invest. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Tax rules can change at any time.